1. Research Projects
My research interest lies at the intersection of lunar positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT), astrodynamics, spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), and multi-agent systems. Below are the lists of research projects that I have worked on at Stanford University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, and The University of Tokyo.
1-1. Lunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)
Lunar PNT using GPS Sidelobe Signals
Period: 2021/9- (Active)
With: Sriramya Bhamidipati, Tara Mina, Prof.Gao (Stanford University)
Ephemeris Design for Lunar Navigation Satellites
Period: 2023/9- (Active)
With: Marta Cortinovis, Prof.Gao (Stanford University)
LuPNT: Open Source Simulator for Lunar PNT
Period: 2023/4- (Active)
With: Guillem Casadesus Vila, Prof.Gao (Stanford University)
1-2: Satellite Constellation and Multi-Agent Systems
Contact Plan Optimization and Distributed State Estimation for Delay Torelant Satellite Network
Period: 2023/9- (Active)
With: Guillem Casadesus Vila, Prof.Gao (Stanford University)
Satellite Fault Detection from Intersatellite Ranges Using Redundantly Rigid Graphs
Period: 2024/6- (Active)
With: Daniel Neamati, Prof.Gao (Stanford University)
Design and Orbit Determination of Future Mars PNT + Relay Constellation
Period: 2024/7-2024/9
With: William Jun, Dr.Cheung (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
1-3. Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) and Trajectory Design
Vision Based Distributed Angles-only Navigation in Satellite Swarms (ARTMS)
Period: 2021/9-2022/5
With: Justin Kruger, Prof.D’Amico (Stanford University)
Landing Site Selection and Divert Maneuver Planning with Reinforcement Learning
Period: 2020/1-2020/8
With: Kento Tomita, Prof.Ho (Georgia Tech)
Dual-Objective High Energy Tour Design
Period: 2022/5-2022/8
With: Yuri Shimane (Georgia Tech)
2. Engineering Projects
EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft)
Period: 2018/9-2021/8
With: EQUULEUS Project Team (University of Tokyo, JAXA)
CanSat Project in Black Rock Desert (ARLISS)
Period: 2017/4-2017/9
With: ARLISS Project Team (University of Tokyo)
3. Class Projects
Multi-Robot Semantic Mapping and Coverage Planning on Occupancy Grids
Class AA277: Multi-Robot Control and Distributed Optimization (taught by Prof.Schwager)
With: Muhammad Fadhil Ginting (Stanford University)
Distributed Angles Only Navigation of Spacecraft Swarms via Factor-Graph Optimaization
Class AA222: Engineering Design Optimization (taught by Prof.Kochenderfer)